Single Stop solution for all breast problems
Breast Aesthetics is a subject in itself and today the ladies are very conscious of their body aesthetics and many things which were not possible before are possible now. The common problems which we encounter are small breasts for which breast augmentation surgeries are advocated by means of silicone implants or fat transfer. The other problem which we deal with is very heavy breasts for which breast reduction surgeries performed. The third surgery is lifting up the sagging breasts and that can be done either through silicone implant or through fat transfer in case the sagging is not too much, or through a Breast Lift Surgery which can lift the breast and bring it at the normal position. Liposuction of the breast is also done in many of the patients as breast reduction procedure and many patients come for areola reduction or a nipple reduction.
Some patients have one-sided under developed breasts (Poland’s Syndrome) and some patients have tubular breasts instead of a hemi-spherical shape. Thus, there are various deformities both congenital (by birth) or acquired, which can be addressed by Aesthetics Breast Services at Mumbai Breast Center.